package Cookbook::MirrorApache; use Apache::Constants qw(OK DECLINED); use strict; sub handler { my $r = shift; return DECLINED unless $r->proxyreq; my (undef, $file) = $r->uri =~ m!^http://(www|httpd)*)!; return DECLINED unless $file; if ($file =~ m!^docs/!) { # Replace requests to the online docs with our local version. $file =~ s!^docs/!manual/!; $file = join "/", ($r->document_root, $file); if (-f $file) { # Use the local disk... $r->filename($file); # ... and unset the proxy flag so Apache runs the # MIME-type checking phase. $r->proxyreq(0); return OK; } # We didn't have a local file, so fall through... } elsif ($file =~ m!^dist/!) { # Save's server by using a mirror instead. my @mirrors = $r->dir_config->get('ApacheDistMirror'); # Whoops, no mirrors configured? return DECLINED unless @mirrors; $file =~ s!^dist/!!; $r->filename(join "", ("proxy:", $mirrors[rand @mirrors], $file)); return OK; } return DECLINED; } 1;