package Cookbook::Clean; use Apache::Constants qw( OK DECLINED ); use Apache::File; use Apache::Log; use Apache::ModuleConfig; use Cache::Cache; use Cache::SharedMemoryCache; use DynaLoader (); use HTML::Clean; use 5.006; our $VERSION = '0.03'; our @ISA = qw(DynaLoader); __PACKAGE__->bootstrap($VERSION); use strict; # Get the package modification time... (my $package = __PACKAGE__) =~ s!::!/!g; my $package_mtime = (stat $INC{"$"})[9]; # ...and when httpd.conf was last modified my $conf_mtime = (stat Apache->server_root_relative('conf/httpd.conf'))[9]; # Initialize the cache. my %filedata = (); die "Could not initialize cache!" unless Cache::SharedMemoryCache->new->set(file => \%filedata); # When the server is restarted we need to... Apache->server->register_cleanup(sub { # clear the server cache, and Cache::SharedMemoryCache->Clear; # make sure we recognize config file changes and propigate # them to the client to clear the client cache if necessary. $conf_mtime = (stat Apache->server_root_relative('conf/httpd.conf'))[9]; }); sub handler { my $r = shift; my $filename = $r->filename; my $cfg = Apache::ModuleConfig->get($r, __PACKAGE__); return DECLINED unless ($r->content_type eq 'text/html'); my $fh = Apache::File->new($filename); return DECLINED unless $fh; # Check to see if we need to generate new data or # if we can use the data we have. my $cache = Cache::SharedMemoryCache->new; my $filedata = $cache->get('file'); my $file_mtime = (stat $r->finfo)[9]; my $cache_mtime = $filedata->{$filename}->{_mtime}; # Generate a new cache for the file if... unless ($cache_mtime && # we don't have a cache $cache_mtime == $file_mtime) { # or the file has changed my $dirty = do {local $/; <$fh>}; my $h = HTML::Clean->new(\$dirty); $h->level($cfg->{_level}); $h->strip($cfg->{_options}); # Initialize the cache with the data for this file. $filedata->{$filename}{_clean} = ${$h->data}; $filedata->{$filename}{_mtime} = $file_mtime; $cache->set(file => $filedata); } # At this point we have clean HTML, either cached or freshly generated. my $clean = $filedata->{$filename}->{_clean}; # Send the data with proper expire headers so we get # both client and server side caching working. $r->update_mtime($package_mtime); $r->update_mtime($file_mtime); $r->update_mtime($conf_mtime); $r->set_last_modified; $r->set_content_length(length $clean); if ((my $status = $r->meets_conditions) == OK) { $r->send_http_header('text/html'); print $clean; return OK; } else { return $status; } } sub CleanLevel ($$$) { my ($cfg, $parms, $arg) = @_; die "Invalid CleanLevel $arg!" unless $arg =~ m/^[1-9]$/; $cfg->{_level} = $arg; } sub CleanOption ($$@) { my ($cfg, $parms, $arg) = @_; my %possible = map {$_ => 1} qw(whitespace shortertags blink contenttype comments entities dequote defcolor javascript htmldefaults lowercasetags); if ($possible{lc $arg}) { $cfg->{_options}{lc $arg} = 1; } else { die "Invalid CleanOption $arg!"; } } sub DIR_CREATE { # Initialize an object instead of using the mod_perl default. my $class = shift; my %self = (); $self{_level} = 1; # default to 1 $self{_options} = {}; # now we don't have to check when dereferencing return bless \%self, $class; } sub DIR_MERGE { # Allow the subdirectory to inherit the configuration # of the parent, while overriding with anything more specific. my ($parent, $current) = @_; my %new = (%$parent, %$current); return bless \%new, ref($parent); } 1;