package Cookbook::SendAnyDoc; use Apache::Constants qw(OK NOT_FOUND); use Apache::File; use DBI; use DBD::Oracle; use MIME::Types qw(by_suffix); use Time::Piece; use strict; sub handler { my $r = shift; my $user = $r->dir_config('DBUSER'); my $pass = $r->dir_config('DBPASS'); my $dbase = $r->dir_config('DBASE'); # Create a Time::Piece object for later. my $time = localtime; my $dbh = DBI->connect($dbase, $user, $pass, {RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1, PrintError => 1}) || die $DBI::errstr; # Determine the table and file to match based on the path info. # Sample URI: http//localhost/SendAnyDoc/docs/file.pdf my ($table, $filename) = $r->path_info =~ m!/(.*)/(.*)!; # Create the SQL. # This returns the file contents and a last modified time in epoch seconds # but relative to the current timezone, unlike Perl's time(). my $sql= qq( select document, (last_modified - to_date('01011970','DDMMYYYY')) * 86400 from $table where name = ? ); # Do some DBI specific stuff for BLOB fields. local $dbh->{LongReadLen} = 10 * 1024 * 1024; # 10M my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); $sth->execute($filename); my ($file, $last_modified) = $sth->fetchrow_array; $sth->finish; return NOT_FOUND unless $file; # Let the browser know we accept range requests. $r->headers_out->set('Accept-Ranges' => 'bytes'); # Set the MIME type based on the document extension. $r->content_type(by_suffix($filename)->[0]); # Let Apache determine which time is most recent: # either the time from the database; or # the time this package was modified. # If using the database time, make sure its GMT. (my $package = __PACKAGE__) =~ s!::!/!g; $r->update_mtime($last_modified - $time->tzoffset); $r->update_mtime((stat $INC{"$"})[9]); $r->set_last_modified; # We have to check if it is a range request _after_ setting the Content-Length # but _before_ we send the headers, since ap_set_byterange diddles with them. # Note that setting the Content-Length is _required_ $r->set_content_length(length($file)); my $range_request = $r->set_byterange; # Yea or nay. if ((my $status = $r->meets_conditions) == OK) { $r->send_http_header; } else { return $status; } # Hold off sending content if they didn't ask for it. return OK if $r->header_only; # Now, for some byteserving stuff in case it is a PDF document. if ($range_request) { while( my($offset, $length) = $r->each_byterange) { print substr($file, $offset, $length); } } else { print $file; } return OK ; } 1;